Wren Kitchen Cabinet Sizes

By Admin | October 16, 2023

Essential Aspects of Wren Kitchen Cabinet Sizes

When designing your dream kitchen, selecting the right cabinet sizes is crucial to optimize functionality and create a cohesive aesthetic. Wren kitchens offer a versatile range of cabinet sizes to cater to any kitchen layout, storage needs, and personal preferences. Understanding these sizes is essential for planning your kitchen effectively.

Base Cabinets

Base cabinets form the foundation of your kitchen, providing storage for pots, pans, appliances, and other essentials. Wren base cabinets come in various widths, starting from 300mm and extending up to 1200mm. The height is typically standard at 720mm, including a 150mm plinth that elevates the cabinets from the floor. Depths range from 460mm to 600mm, offering ample space for storage.

Wall Cabinets

Wall cabinets provide additional storage and display space above base cabinets. Wren wall cabinets are available in widths ranging from 300mm to 1000mm. The height is typically 720mm or 900mm, providing varying options to accommodate different ceiling heights and storage requirements. Depths vary from 300mm to 380mm, allowing for the storage of plates, glasses, and other kitchenware.

Tall Cabinets

Tall cabinets offer vertical storage solutions for bulky items such as pantry goods, cleaning supplies, and appliances. Wren tall cabinets come in widths from 450mm to 600mm and heights ranging from 1971mm to 2195mm. Depths typically match base cabinets at 460mm or 600mm.

Consider Additional Storage

In addition to standard cabinet sizes, Wren kitchens offer a range of accessories and storage solutions to maximize space utilization. Drawer units, corner units, and pull-out pantries can be incorporated to create customized storage options tailored to your specific needs.

Professional Planning

To ensure optimal functionality and a seamless design, it is advisable to consult with a professional kitchen designer from Wren. They can assist in selecting the appropriate cabinet sizes, layouts, and accessories that meet your unique requirements and maximize your kitchen's potential.

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